Superintendent's Update

From Superintendent Lewis Collins


                                                                                                    MAY 28, 2024

Our school budgets have passed at the High School and Beals. Jonesport will be voting on the elementary budget at a town meeting on Wednesday, June 5 at 6:00 pm in the school gym. All of us, the staff and students appreciate the community support for our schools!  Every year we try hard to make sure the budgets respect taxpayers needs as well as the school needs to keep pace with inflation and student needs.  Thank you, everyone.

We have successfully negototiated a new Agreement with the Teachers Association and are close to concluding negotiations with the Support Staff. Again, we are trying hard to balance the needs of the taxpayers with the need to retain and recruit qualified staff. There is a severe shortage of teachers in Washington County, the state and the nation. Many young people are no longer seeing teaching as a profession worth pursuing. Pay and workloads are entering in the equation as young folks decide on which professions to pursue. 

This is my last month as your Superintedent. Mr. Joseph Swain will become your new Superintedent on July 1 and we all wish him well! I have enjoyed serving you, the staff and students these past 5 years, through COVID, new energy projects to update our 44 year old buildings, recruitment of new staff and various ups and downs during this time. Thank you for your support and your unwavering committment to our students and their families!

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